Practicing as an Osteopath in Suffolk for the past 20 years and working from a strong structural model of Osteopathy, Elizabeth puts a strong emphasis on exercise and rehabilitation stretching. This helps to improve and maintain a flexible spine. The modern day practice of Osteopathy and health in general changes all the time, so everything is done to keep up with developments in the field.
Elizabeth’s holistic approach to health has lead to in depth research into the multifaceted benefits of integrated osteopathy and postural awareness disciplines such as Pilates, Tai Chi, The Alexander Technique and Yoga. These disciplines also help to improve spinal flexibility and reduce stress, which is a growing problem in modern society.
"It is often our musculoskeletal system that shows the first signs of imbalance, therefore pain can be an opportunity to review your health, especially diet and exercise, for renewed commitment to a vital life" - Elizabeth Oates Bsc (Hons)
Elizabeth Oates is a member of the Institute of Osteopathy (previously the British Osteopathic Association) Elizabeth gained her qualifications from the renowned British School of Osteopathy and became fully registered in 2000.

About Elizabeth